Delays & Divine Detours
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On America’s Next Top Model we went to Santorini and last month I got the opportunity to return!!! It has been one of my most favorite places I’ve ever visited. I almost didn’t get to do the planned photoshoot because of the weather. Jesus did what only He could do and He calmed the seas.
I love the story of the prodigal son because I have been a prodigal child. In Luke 15:12 the younger son became impatient and asked his father for his share of the inheritance which would have been 1/3 of the estate. The father graciously grants his son's request. This is a picture of God allowing us to have what we want, even though it may not be His best. God gives each one of us a "free will."
I was an adultress, but that is not what defines me. I am not defined by my biggest failures, past mistakes, sizeable sin, greatest accomplishments, or astounding achievements. My identity doesn't come from my job or a title, but it is found in the One who gave His life for me, Jesus Christ. He has given me a new name: redeemed, chosen, adopted, forgiven, daughter, royalty, and even masterpiece.
Mike gets up before most people. He reads the Bible, prays, and drinks a few cups of coffee. He may write a new series and/or work on the message that he will teach that weekend before he goes to the gym to train people. After the gym, he will come home and study more. I will hear him on the phone at different times, listening to people bare their souls to him because they are in desperate straits.
I did something I never thought I would ever do, I had an affair a couple of years ago. The world around me, inside and outside, blew up. I became so embarrassed and ashamed. I hated myself for not doing what I encouraged others to do. I hated myself for going outside the boundaries of God, ultimately disobeying Him.
I was reading about Nehemiah yesterday, and there were a few things that really stood out to me. I love that about the Bible! You can learn something new every time you read it! The Bible says, “it is LIVING, and active, sharper than any two edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Have you ever gossiped about someone? As much as I would like to be able to say I have not, I know I have. Have people ever gossiped about you?! Maybe what was said was so ridiculous that you wanted to laugh? Or maybe it was so incredibly hurtful that you wanted to cry?
There have been times in my life that I thought I was so broken, even beyond repair. Have you ever felt that way?! Have you ever felt so discouraged, beaten down, ruined, overwhelmed, and even hopeless that you wondered how in the world could the Lord ever make you whole again?!
I just watched it’s a “ It’s Wonderful Life.” I have seen this movie several times, but this movie spoke to me a little differently this time. Have you ever read or watched something and got something different from it, no matter how many times you read or watched it?! They don’t seem to make feel good, sweet movies like this anymore.
There is no victory without the battle; no defeat without opposition; no overcoming without the struggle; no mountain-top experience without the climb. Warriors are made in the battlefield, not on the sidelines. His grace is sufficient for you, His power made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Lean into your Father and soar on wings like eagles.
Shannon is a wife, writer, speaker and former model. She has been gracefully broken, yet is fully surrendered to the Great Potter, Jesus Christ. She longs for others to experience His mighty power to free them from addiction, redeem, restore and renew their minds through the Word of God.
I went to bed last night thinking about dreams and how I don’t “dream” with God anymore. I used to be the BIGGEST dreamer. I knew God was the God of the impossible and that nothing was too hard for Him, so I would regularly find myself daring to dream the unimaginable and unthinkable because, from my perspective, He could do it IF He wanted to, getting all of the glory.